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Jerusalem 1855-1856 By Auguste Salzmann

Damascus (Damascus) Gate 

First photos of Jerusalem. Auguste Salzmann. 1855-1856 — Auguste Salzmann travel in 1855-56 to the Holy Land. But a series of artistic shot of the Holy Land may well claim the title of "most." Conquerors and Overlord-am Photoshop visual aid, such as, for example, should look like the image after applying the filter, "sepia". And from an artistic point of view, this Photographica rather than pictures. 27 more images after the break...

Gate of David (Zion) in Jerusalem 

 Lions Gate

 Herod's Gate in Jerusalem

 Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem

 Types of the Holy Sepulcher.

 Tomb of the Virgin

 Arch "Essay Homo"

 Arabic source in Jerusalem

 Source Birket es-Sultan in Jerusalem

Mamilla behind the old city walls of Jerusalem

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