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Moroccan Goats Graze on Trees

Goats grazing on precariouslysteep hillsides is a common sight, but perched high atop the branches of a tree? That's a sight you will only see if you go all the way to the North African  country of Morocco. 17 more images after the break...

The nimble animals are not a special species, just normal goats that have learnt to adapt to the country's aridenvironment, where their main source of nutrition comes from the tiny berries that grow on the Aragan tree.

Since the trees are sometimes as high as 30 feet, the only way the goats can get to the berries, is by scaling up. Over the years, they have not only figured out how to climb, but also prance  around nimbly from branch to branch like ballerinas.

While the climbing goats are in itself fascinating, what is even more interesting is what happens with the goat 'poop' after they have eaten the Aragan berries. The dried-up droppings are collected by the locals, who wash them and then grind and press them to extract oil - Used, for cooking and cosmetic purposes.

Though the whole thing may sound a little gross, Aragan oil is reputed to be very healthy and highly coveted, with a quarter liter of good 'quality' oil retailing for, as much as, $50 USD!

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