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Fundraiser For Dexter

Last night there was a fundraiser held for Dexter, a sweet little tyke who has been battling cancer and other major health problems. No little two year old should have to go through what he has, yet through it all he is a happy baby who is adored by family and all who meet him. Dexter is the nephew of Derek Spencer, one of my former students, now in his graduating year at Sheridan College Animation. Derek should be commended for putting together this fundraiser for Dexter, and he's lucky to have such a lot of wonderful friends among his fellow students who were all there to lend a hand and support the cause through donations and volunteering. It was very touching for me to see just how much they all did to help out Derek's sister Lisa and her husband Dan, who have been facing mounting medical bills through this crisis.

Derek had asked if I'd be able to help out by doing some caricatures to help raise donations. I was honoured and happy to take part in the event, and here are the caricatures I drew during the evening:

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