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Sheridan College Open House 2009

I'm falling behind with my blog posts, I'm afraid, as I'd meant to post these up soon after I'd drawn them. These caricatures were sketched at the Sheridan College Open House, held on May 2nd as the school year was winding down for summer holidays and this is the annual last hoorah to show the community what the college has been producing. This year, they'd commissioned several of my Animation students and I to sketch caricatures in the main hall of the college. My usual method is to work with marker on 11 x 14 pads of smooth bristol paper, but for this event we were all working on large manilla pads set up on easels. Admittedly, this isn't the most comfortable way for me to draw and it's bit too large for my liking, but they came out pretty well for the most part. I've put up all of them on my Facebook site, but here's a sampling to show here too:

These first three above are of a young lady currently enrolled in the Sheridan Music Theatre program along with her proud mom and dad!

Before I started to draw him, this fellow requested, "Make me wacky." I did the best I could... :)

By the way, my friend and Sheridan colleague, Mark Mayerson has written a couple of posts on Sheridan Animation's annual Industry Day that was held on April 30th. You can find them here and here. There were quite a lot of strong films with fun character animation this year, and I'm glad to say that most students are aspiring to full keyframe animation.
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